- Keeling Elementary School
- Materials/ Snacks
Each year, we receive numerous requests from parents as to what type of supplies would be most beneficial when families do their back to school shopping or want to help throughout the year. Please understand that these items are considered donations and are by no means a requirement for participation in class. They are helpful to our class, but all necessary materials will be provided by Keeling.
Hand sanitizer
Large and small paper plates or cups
Large and small Ziploc bags
Basic school supplies (e.g., white board markers, markers, glue sticks, etc.)
Clorox wipes
Due to regulations, we are only able to serve certain snacks at school. These include pre-packaged goldfish or cheese crackers, pretzels, and cereal. Should you wish to donate snacks, please make sure to provide enough for the entire class. We generally have 25 students.
Birthdays/ Celebrations
We will celebrate your child’s birthday at school by singing “Happy Birthday” and your child will receive a small treat. We love celebrating, but please note that this is not meant to be a birthday party at school, rather a small recognition of your child’s special day. As for birthday celebrations outside of school – unless you are inviting the whole class, we are asking that your child deliver birthday party invitations privately to avoid any hurt feelings. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you do not celebrate birthdays, we will respect that, of course. ☺