- Amphitheater Public Schools
- COVID-19 Protocols and Mitigation Plan
2023-2024 Mitigation Plan
The Amphitheater School District has continually updated mitigation plans and strategies to provide a safe and positive learning environment for students and staff based on recommendations from county and state health officials and our Blue Ribbon Committee.
Please be aware that in addition to the items on this list, each school site has also developed procedures specific to their campuses regarding student and employee health and safety.
Cleaning and Sanitization
- Classrooms are cleaned and sanitized daily.
- Hand sanitizer and/or soap and water will be available at all sites.
- All HVAC systems in every school meet the CDC requirements for ventilation for the pandemic.
PPE/Health and Safety
- Face coverings are optional on school property.
- Students and staff will be educated about the symptoms of COVID-19 and reminded to stay home if they are sick or test positive for COVID-19..
- Parents are responsible for determining their child’s health status before arriving at school.
- Parents are responsible for keeping their child at home should they present with any symptoms of illness.
- Any student or staff member exhibiting signs of infectious illness, such as influenza (flu) or COVID-19, must stay home or see a health care provider for testing and care.
- The District has adjusted HVAC systems to pull in a maximized amount of outside air.
- The District continues to change its air filters on a scheduled quarterly basis.
- Students will receive regular reminders at school about the importance of hand-washing and covering coughs and sneezes.
- Teachers will communicate with parents through District email or by phone.
- The District maintains an email hotline (answers@amphi.com) for questions and concerns.
- Masks are optional on all District transportation.
- The District takes necessary precautions and mitigation efforts when transporting special needs and medically fragile students.
Educational Services
- Full-time online education is available through Amphi Academy Online.
For a review of federal COVID-19 relief funding, please visit this link.
FAQ FOR 2023-2024
Updated 8/31/2023
In addition to the mitigation efforts outlined on this page, here are answers to some common questions for the upcoming school year. If you have a question, please send it to answers@amphi.com. You can also find helpful information at the links listed at the bottom of this page.
COVID-19 Cases
Q: What happens if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19?
A: Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home. The CDC recommends that anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 remain isolated for at least five days from symptom onset or the date of the positive test if asymptomatic. As with any illness, individuals must be fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication and other symptoms must be improved before returning to work or school.Events
Q: Will there be limits on how many people can attend events and performances?
A: There are no limitations on the size of gatherings.Q: What are the rules for sports?
A: Amphitheater Public Schools follows mitigation protocols based on the Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) guidelines. High Schools will provide that information during each sport’s season.Q: Are tthere any limitations on spectators?
A: Spectators are allowed at athletic events, and masks are optional.Face Coverings
Q: Are students and staff required to wear face coverings at school?
A: Masks are optional indoors and outdoors on Amphitheater property, including in schools.Field Trips
Q: Are field trips be allowed?
A: Field trips will be allowed and will follow school and Governing Board regulations and requirements as in previous years.Volunteers and Visitors
Q: Will schools allow volunteers and visitors?
A: All volunteers are welcome at our schools as they have been in the past. Please check with your school to make arrangements to volunteer.