Phone: (520) 696 6887


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Special Education University of Arizona M.Ed. Educational Leadership Northern Arizona University Certifications: Principal, PreK-12 Cross Categorical, K-12 Elementary Education, K-8 Structured English Immersion Endorsement

Mrs. Trechel Valentin

Why I am committed to Amphi

I am committed to Amphi because my belief of developing educated, responsible citizens and community members is not only shared among staff members but displayed district wide.

Defining Moment in Education

I feel strongly that there is not a single defining moment in my educational journey but rather each and every day becomes a defining moment. Every day is a new challenge for us to develop into well-rounded, educated individuals. I feel I learn as much from our students and staff as they can learn from me. With this mindset I constantly feel inspired to bring the best version of myself to school.

 “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King

Core Educational Beliefs

I believe that all students can learn. Not every student will learn in the same way but everyone has the ability to acquire knowledge. It is crucial that every child feels valued and that their voice matters. With this, I strive to foster a safe environment on campus in which students can learn both academic and social skills needed in life. The most effective way to establish this ambiance is to build and maintain individual relationships with students. I believe in developing well rounded and responsible citizens.

Prior Experience

  • Jul. 2023-Present – Principal (Holaway Elementary)
  • Jul. 2020-Jun. 2023 - Assistant Principal (Coronado K-8) 
  • Aug. 2019-June 2020 - Instructional Support Assistant (AHS)
  • Aug. 2017-May 2019 - Special Education Facilitator (AMS)
  • Aug. 2016-May 2017 - Cross Categorical Self Contained Teacher (AMS)
  • Aug. 2014-May 2016 - Self-Contained Emotional/Behavioral Teacher (La Cima Middle)
  • Aug. 2012-May 2014 - Resource Language Arts Teacher (AMS)
  • Jan. 2012-May 2012 - Self-Contained Emotional/Behavioral Student Teacher (AMS)
  • 2011-2012 - AVID Tutor (AMS)