Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is an internationally recognized creative problem-solving competition that challenges students to think outside the box, collaborate with their peers, and showcase their ingenuity. Originating in the United States in 1978, OOTM has since grown into a global phenomenon, engaging students from kindergarten through college in over 25 countries.
Teams of up to seven members select from a range of long-term problems, each designed to test their creativity, innovation, and teamwork. These problems span diverse categories such as mechanical engineering, theatrical performance, literature, visual arts, and more. Teams must devise creative solutions to these open-ended challenges, using limited resources and their boundless imagination.
In the last several years, the Harelson Odyssey of the Mind teams have earned titles at local, state, and world competitions.
For more information on the Odyssey of the Mind competition, visit their website:
To learn more about the Harelson OM team, contact Ms. Hoel lhoel@amphi.com