
    School Schedule 

    First Bell……………………7:25 am

    Late Bell……………………7:30 am

    Dismissal......................2:10 pm

                                          Tuesdays Early Dismissal ..................12:10 pm                                             


    Kinder/1st/2nd Grade Lunch…….10:55 (Recess 11:10 to 11:35)

    3rd /4th/5th Grade Lunch…………..11:25 (Recess 11:40 to 12:05) 


    Rainy Day Schedule 

    Before school, teachers will open their doors at 7:15 for their students



    In order for your child to have the greatest amount of success, it is very important that he/she is at school and on time every day.

    The playground is supervised from 7:15-7:30am. No student may be at school before this time. Students should not be on campus before 7:15am or after school, unless they are participating in special activities (orchestra, band, student council, ACHIEVE). All students are to go directly home when classes are dismissed for the day.

     If at all possible, please wait until dismissal to pick up your child. Please refrain from picking your child up 5-10 minutes early. If you do need to pick your child up early, be sure to check out through the front office.

    Breakfast is served to all students every morning at Keeling in the classroom. Free and reduced meals are available to families who qualify. Applications may be picked up in the office.