- Copper Creek Elementary School
- Health Aide
Health Aide
Welcome! Miss Monique is a Certified Medical Assistant and is first aid and CPR certified. She is available for students who are ill or injured during school hours.
For more information, please see our District Health Services page.
If your child should require prescription medication during the school day, a current prescription from a physician and a signed permission slip by Parent/Guardian is required to be on file in the Health Office. If your child should require non-prescription medication taken as needed during school hours, it must be in the original unopened container, age-appropriate dosing on the label, and a signed permission slip by Parent/Guardian on file in the Health Office. Any variance from the original label will require a written prescription from your child’s physician. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL WITH ANY MEDICATION (i.e. cough drops, Tylenol or prescription medication).
All homeopathic, naturopathic and foreign medications that are not FDA approved for use will not be administered by the Health Office.
Please make sure your child is current on immunizations. As they receive any required immunizations, please send an updated copy to the Health Office. For information on vaccine requirements for Arizona Schools K-12 you may view their website at www.azdhs.gov/phs/immun/back2school.htm.
Guidelines for Healthy Students
To help keep your child healthy, please:
- make sure they have a good nutritious breakfast and lunch;
- encourage them to drink plenty of water during the school day;
- keep your child home if they have a 100o temperature or higher, have diarrhea, or have been vomiting. If your child experiences any of these ailments at school, they will be sent home and will not be permitted back to school until they are fever free for 24 hours or symptom free. Fever free is being without fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing agents such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
- If your child contracts a contagious illness such as strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, or head lice, they may not return to school unless they have been medically treated and are symptom free and fever free.
Please notify the Health Office staff at (520) 696-6804, if your child has been diagnosed with any contagious illness so it can be noted.