- Amphitheater Public Schools
- Overview
Solar Energy Makes Sense!
Amphi Schools Soak Up Solar Energy
Amphitheater Public Schools installed solar energy systems at all 20 school sites and several support facilities across the district in 2015-2016.
All of the systems utilize solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. The panels are installed primarily as shade canopies over fields, playground areas, parking lots and some rooftops.
As part of the project, Amphitheater Public Schools negotiated a 25-year Solar Services Agreement (SSA) in which the District will pay a flat cost per kilowatt hour for the energy produced by the systems. The solar rate is set in advance and will remain constant for the full term of the SSA.
In addition to reducing energy costs and increasing shaded play areas for students, the installed solar systems also generate a solar educational component by offering real-time online data monitoring capabilities. This data is integrated into the school curriculum to help students learn about how solar electricity works and the benefits of renewable energy. Students and teachers observe how solar energy is powering their schools, as well as, introduce students to potential careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields.
For more information, please contact us at answer@amphi.com.