• Ms. Kitay's 4th Grade Class 

    Here you can find information for students during the school closure, online resources, contact information, as well as assignments. 

    Contact Information
    You are welcome to email me anytime and I will answer you back during office hours when I have a chance. Email address is hkitay@amphi.com.

    While schools are closed, please feel free to call or text me at 520-261-1327. This is my google voice number, I will be available for phone calls between 9:00 am and 10:00am and 2:00pm and 3:00pm.  Feel free to text anytime before 6:00pm. This number can also be used for students to send me pictures of their completed assignements as well as they may text me if they have questions or concerns about anything.

    Students will be receiving a packet in the mail with their work. Included in the packet is a schedule broken into 3 weeks with assignments for each day of the week. 

    We will be checking in with the students every other day to see how they are doing and what questions they have. We will also be asking the students to send us pictures of their work so we are able to give them feedback. 

    Online Resources
    If internet access is available on a computer, laptop, tablet, or other capable device, please have your child complete 20 minutes of dreambox and one complete session of imagine learning (Site code: 040068001031). 

    The links are on the web resources page.
    Some other fun sites to look at are...
    Disney Khan Academy
    Pixar In A Box