• This 1st grade class plays hard and works even harder! We practice and improve our reading, writing, and math skills, but mostly we use our imagination to problem solve and have FUN!

    School starts at 8:55am and gets out at 3:30pm.

    Early Dismissal is 1:30 on Wednesdays

    Please feel free to email or call with questions or concerns.

    amanley@amphi.com 520-269-4610

    In first grade, students build foundational literacy and math skills through hands-on and innovative learning techniques. In addition, through our STEM program, we implement engineering and scientific practices to improve problem solving skills.

    Language Arts:

    • Read grade level text fluently
    • Use taught comprehension skills to improve understanding when reading
    • Accurately identify 250 frequently used words in the English language 
    • Work cooperatively with peers in small reading work stations
    • Build knowledge of past American heroes and our community through nonfiction text
    • Choose and read "right fit" books
    • Independently write narrative, informative, and opinion pieces


    • Add and subtract fluently within 20 using taught strategies
    • Add and subtract double-digit numbers using regrouping strategy
    • Identify and manipulate 2-digit numbers as tens and ones
    • Tell time to the hour and half hour
    • Use problem solving strategies to solve story problems
    • Identify 2D and 3D shapes
    • Work cooperatively with peers in small reading work stations


    • Follow the engineering design process to ask questions and solve problems
    • Collaborative project based learning 
    • Create a class science fair project using the scientific method
    • Work together with peers during science/engineering/technology/math and use problem solving skills
    • Effectively use various forms of technology to enhance learning and create products

    Student expecations:

    • Make KIND choices
    • Read "good fit" books for 20 minutes every night
    • Complete "unfinished class work" at home 
    • Ask for help when you need it
    • Come to school prepared with 1st grade folder, inside backpack. 
    • Follow classroom rules and procedures
    • Try hard and don't be afraid to make mistakes!! You will persevere!

    Parent Expectations:

    • Check/empty your child's folder or backpack every night
    • Provide your children with help when they need it, but allow them to try independently first
    • Read with your child every night
    • Remind them everyday how wonderful they are!