- Painted Sky Elementary School
- About the Teacher

Phone: (520) 696-3831
Degrees and Certifications:
BA in English from University of Arizona MA in Elementary Education from University of Phoenix Certification in Cross Categorical Special Education from Pima Community College
Mr. Grant Hakala, Primary Resource Teacher
I grew up in Tucson, and attended Coronado and Canyon del Oro here in Amphi. I had lots of great teachers growing up. I first started substituting for Amphi when I graduated from the U of A. After I graduated, I filled a long term substitute position at Painted Sky for music. Initially it may have just been me showing up with a guitar... but I learned a lot. After that, I did an emergency position as a PE and music teacher the following year and began work towards my MA in elementary education. There was a need for a special education teacher, so I started doing that while taking further coursework from Pima Community College for my special education certification.
I love playing video games, collecting Transformers, cooking, playing and listening to music, and learning new things!
Defining Moment in my Education
I had a math teacher in high school who made a big impression on me, ultimately being a large contributor to me becoming an educator. He had an almost self deprecating sense of humor, which was ironic, as he was an extremely intelligent person. He was able to take abstract concepts in math and boil them down to something easily digestible. I still remember his jokes. "I am so smart, S M R T!"
Core Educational Beliefs
I believe all students need to have a basic set of skills to harness their true potential. Once these skills are acquired, students can really become excited at the possibilities and can become more self-driven in their endeavors. It is also important to have an open mind to experience and learn new things.
Prior Experience
Music and PE teacher
Special Education Resource teacher (from 2010-present)