
    What is Social Emotional Learning? (SEL)

    SEL is the process of developing interpersonal skills that are critical to success in school, work and life.  It is learning self awareness, self control, emotional intelligence, social skills and interpersonal skills. SEL is a cornerstone of my second grade classroom.  It is layered into every lesson as well as taught explicitly throughout the day.  My students learn how to better communicate and better manage their emotions. One of the tools I use in my SEL lessons is the Zones of Regulations. (You can read more about this below) 




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    Image result for zones of regulation

    In my classroom I use the Zones of Regulation to teach students how to identify and regulate their emotions. The Zones of Regulation is a frame work to foster self regulation and emotional control.  Students practice identifying their emotion and then identify the tools that they can use to "get back to the green zone".  The green zone is when we are best able to learn.  

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    We also learn to analyze how big a problem is and what the appropriate reaction would be.Image result for how big is my problem

    If you would like to learn more about the Zones of Regulation check out the following links:

    Zones of Regulation

    Social Thinking

    Zones video

    Zones at school

    The following article is a great way to learn about emotional reactions.

    How big is the problem?