• Amphi student honors applications

    The Seals of Excellence are available to Seniors for each department at Amphi.

    Click on the department below to apply for a Seal of Excellence. The deadline for this application is April 11th.  (Be sure to be logged in with your student#@student.amphi.com account):

    Seal of Excellence in Career and Technical Education (CTE)  Take/email the completed application to Mr. Harding, room 900 (Auto)  Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence for Instrumental Music, Orchestra Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete this application

    Seal of Excellence in English Language Development (ELD) Take/email the completed application to Ms. Engel, room 407 Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence for Theater Arts, Drama Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete this application

    Seal of Excellence for Instrumental Music, Band Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete this application 

    Seal of Excellence in English Take/email the completed application to Mr. Thornburg, room 109  Complete this application

    Seal of Excellence for Instrumental Music, Guitar Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete this application 

    Seal of Excellence for Vocal Music, Choir Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete this application 

    Seal of Excellence for Visual Arts, Fine Arts Department  Take/email the completed application to Ms. Impelluso, room FA-7 Complete the Application

    Seal of Excellence for World Languages Take/email the completed application to Ms. Sjana, room 103 Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence in Mathematics Take/email the completed application to Mr. Lise, room 409 Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence for Dance Take/email the completed application to Mrs. Dickinson, room Gym Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence for Physical Education Take/email the completed application to Mr. Hurley, room Gym Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence in Science Take/email the completed application to Mr. Haverty, room 304  Complete this Application

    Seal of Excellence for Social Studies Take/email the completed application to Mr. Smith, room 108 Complete this application