- Amphitheater High School
- About the Social Worker
Social Worker
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Phone: 520-696-5371
Degrees and Certifications:
LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) MSW (Master's of Social Work)
Ms. Jan Wallace
Ms. Wallace is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) with over 25 years of experience in the areas of child welfare, pediatrics, and behavioral health. She graduated with a Master's in Social work from Arizona State University.
Ms. Wallace serves as an external liaison for community programs and workers. She is well versed in working with health care and government programs and can help navigate those systems. She assists families in understanding and accessing community resources which change often in Tucson. Please call her at (520) 696-5371 with any questions.
Ms. Wallace manages benefits for students who are qualifed for Youth On Their Own (YOTO). YOTO is a private, non-profite unique to the Tucson community and provides financial and basic needs supports to unaccompanied youth who are not living with parents due to no fault of their own.