- Amphitheater High School
- Overview
Click here to access the AHS Library Catalog.
The AHS Library is open to all students before school, during lunch, and after school.
During class time, students must have a pass from their teacher to visit the library.
The library has 30 computers and a printer for student use.
Degrees and Certifications:
Taryn Burlison, Head Librarian
I began my education career in 1999 as an English teacher. I student taught at Amphi High all those years ago. In 2018, I returned to AHS, but this time as your Librarian. Our Library is a special place for both learning and relaxing. If you can't find what you need, just ask. I am always happy to help, whether it be with books, technology, research, or homework. We even have school supplies! We're here for you.

Degrees and Certifications:
Lorie Miller, Library Assistant
Ms. Lorie Miller began her career in the Amphi District at Rio Vista in 2011. In 2019, while serving as the AHS Marching Band President, she joined our Library team. In fact, Lorie attended Amphi High and served as a student Library Aide, and we're so glad to have her back.
Learning Express has practice tests for SAT, GED, ASVAB, AP Exams, and more.
Testing and Education Reference Center from Gale has practice tests, courses, scholarship information, and study tools to prepare you for your next step.
Web Links
Accelerated Reader:
AR and STAR: global-zone08.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/256394
AR Book Find: www.arbookfind.com
Book Recommendation Sites:
Free Books Online:
Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org
Research Resources:
Primary Sources
National Archives Foundation: www.docsteach.org
World Digital Library: www.wdl.org/en
Primary Source Archives: chnm.gmu.edu/worldhistorysources