- Canyon del Oro High School
- Overview
Nationwide, Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving, and innovating to better serve the country’s needs. CTE is preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality. Further, it is creating an educational environment that integrates core academics with real-world relevance. CTE is leading this change, transforming expectations, and making a difference for students, for secondary and postsecondary schools, for businesses and industry—for America.
CTE Courses offered at CDO:
- Architectural Drafting
- Early Childhood Education
- Automotive Technology
- Engineering
- Bioscience
- Graphic Design
- Construction Technology
- Software Development
- Culinary Arts
- Sports Medicine/Healthcare Foundations
- Digital Photography
- Technical Theater
CTE is critical to ensuring that the United States leads in global competitiveness.
CTE actively partners with employers to design and provide high-quality, dynamic programs.
CTE prepares students to succeed in further education and careers.
CTE is delivered through comprehensive programs of study aligned to The National Career Clusters Framework.
CTE is a results-driven system that demonstrates a positive return on investment.
For more information, please contact:
Jeremy Tarbet, CTE Department Chair - jertarbet@amphi.com or (520)696-5669