• Title 1 - School Parent Involvement Plan 2024-2025

    Lulu Walker Elementary School

    Title 1 School Parent Involvement Plan

    Lulu Walker Elementary School believes parent involvement is a vital component of a successful Title I program. Parent involvement shall include, but not be limited to, participation by parents in school activities and programs, volunteering in the schools, and by the school providing parents with training and materials to help their child’s learning both in the home and the school.

    The following goals will help to build a partnership between the home and school:

    1. The Title 1 staff will inform parents of the student selection criteria for participation in the Title 1 program.
    2. The Title 1 staff will conduct annual parent meetings to explain the Title I program.
    3. The Title 1 staff will consult with parents on a regular basis to provide parents with opportunities to make recommendations for changes and improvements in the program.
    4. School personnel will respond to parent recommendations in a timely manner, within 24 hours.
    5. School personnel will provide opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency or with disabilities in a language and form that parents will understand.

     Lulu Walker Elementary School will ensure that parents participate through selected activities such as:

    • conducting parent/teacher conferences;
    • providing student progress reports regularly;
    • sponsoring parent/family curriculum nights;
    • distributing parent newsletters;
    • creating teacher web pages, school web pages and district web pages;
    • using class DOJO school wide to communicate to parents;
    • utilizing school parent compacts;
    • soliciting parent input through questionnaires or surveys;
    • responding to parent recommendations in a timely manner;
    • arranging classroom visitations;
    • publishing and explaining school performance profiles;
    • delivering individual student assessment results in a timely manner;
    • describing and explaining the curriculum;
    • discussing the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress
    • explaining the proficiency levels students are expected to meet;
    • providing parents opportunities to volunteer on campus in classrooms and library.