• Band and Orchestra

    In addition to weekly general music classes, Walker offers regular instruction in band, orchestra, and choir.

    The Walker Band is available to 4th and 5th grader students.  The rehearsals are during the 4th or 5th grade students' regular music time, and after school on Tuesdays from 2:15-4:00 with Mrs. Russell in the music room #37. 

    The Walker Orchestra is available to 4th and 5th grader students.  Orchestra meets with Mrs. Foreman on Mondays and Tuesdays after school on the MPR stage. 

    The Walker Choir is available to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.  The rehearsal time is usually during students' lunch on Wednesdays. Students who wish to participate in the choir festival in March and the Spring concert in May, will need to sign and return forms that Mrs. Russell will send out a few weeks before each concert.

    Many of our students are also taking part in musical productions throughout the year. Check out the Walker's calendar link in order to stay tuned for more details about which classes and grades are performing and the dates and times of these performances!  Check out this link for more information: Fine Arts

    Band Rehearsal Oct 2015 55 students
    Band Rehearsal in October 2015 with 55 students!

    Band 2015
    Band, Orchestra and Choir 2015 Winter Performance

    Choir April 2015
    Choir April 2015

    Band and Orchestra May 2016
    Band and Orchestra May 2015

    Band friendships
    Music in their hearts, friendships for a lifetime.