Phone: 520 696 6531


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Elementary Education from the University of Arizona *Early Childhood Endorsement *Structured English Immersion Endorsement

Mrs. Jennifer Powers

Welcome to my Kindergarten Website!

Let Me Introduce Myself
My name is Jennifer Powers and I LOVE kindergartners! Teaching kindergarten is the most wonderful job in the world! 

I began teaching in the Amphitheater School District in 1989, and settled permanently into kindergarten at Lulu Walker in 1994. My husband and I have a son named Nick (born 1996) and a daughter named Merry (born 2001).  Both of our kids attended Lulu Walker Elementary School before moving on to middle and high schools in Amphitheater. 

Defining Moment in Education
I had wonderful teachers and countless memories of times when I was made to feel special:  I knew I was loved, I knew my teachers believed in me, I knew I never needed to be perfect. Plus, they made school fun!  I can't say that any one experience changed me, but I know how important it was that I was brought up in an environment filled with a love of learning and laughter.

Core Educational Beliefs
I strive to empower children by filling their days with everything I can that will foster success in their every endeavor. I try to enhance learning opportunities for students by providing an environment where the student's natural love for life and learning are encouraged, nurtured, and intrinsically instilled so that the students will be confident, happy, lifelong learners.