- La Cima Middle School
- Get Involved at La Cima
Get Involved at La Cima
Studies show that active parental involvement in schools leads to student success. There are a variety of ways that you can become involved at La Cima. We welcome you to help out in many different ways. Thank you for your support.
To volunteer contact David Humphreys (Principal), dhumphreys and/or 520-696-6742Here are a few ways you can be involved:
help with fundraisers - volunteer at Fine Arts Festivals - volunteer at spring book fair - help with Honor Roll breakfast celebrations - volunteer in a classroom - chaperon 8th grade Trip - attend Site Council - volunteer in the library - attend PTO meetings - volunteer in the cafeteria - volunteer for sporting eventsUseful Internet Sites
Arizona Department of Education - Resources on child stafety, prevention, and health care. Check out those email messages and see what is real and what is not! Tucson Public Library Find, renew, and reserve books, do research--plus visit kid and teen sites! The Internet Public Library "Walk into" the library online! Links for the whole family. Sites to Visit as a Family
Fun Brain Educational games in English and Spanish. How to build and fly paper airplanes. Lots of links to educational activities. Eduscapes Resources and strategies for linking the Net to learning. Four to Explore A terrific site for beginning a research project--it helps get some good background information before you start! Heroic Stories True stories about real people doing good things. National Geographic Animals, cultures, travel, AND kid and parent links!