- La Cima Middle School
- About Teacher
Woodard, Nicholas
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Phone: (520) 696-6790
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. in Physical Education Rockford College (Rockford University) Minor in Secondary Education Rockford College (Rockford University) Minor in Health Education Rockford College (Rockford University)
Mr. Nicholas Woodard
Hey Cardinals!
Welcome to Mr. Woodard's Physical Education Class webpage! This is my 10th year here at La Cima Middle school, where I am a Physical Education Teacher and Athletic Director. I am originally from Belvidere, Illinois. I am a diehard Chicago Sports fan! Go Blackhawks! Go Cubs Go! Da Bears!
Defining Moment in Education
The moment I knew I wanted to work in education, was working in the afterschool program for my local YMCA. This time in my life I got the chance to work with children in a school setting and loved every minute of it. I enjoy helping the youth find their place and give them the skill/tools they need to be successful in life.
Core Educational Belief
Education is the future of our world. My goal as a teacher is to prepare my students physically and mentally for their futures. The world today needs the next generation to be motivated, hardworking, and better than the last generation. Without the proper education these future leaders of th world will struggle with life's hardest decisions. It is my job as an educator to help my students believe in themselves and push them to reach their goals!