• Muffins with Mom

    Muffins with Mom - moms, grandmothers, aunts, big sisters, or any special women are invited to join us for muffins, juice, coffee, and morning chatter! The more the merrier! Look for the date of this fun event on our school calendar. It usually coincides with our Fall Book Fair.  We meet in the MPR around 7:15am. 

    Muffins Tatum and Skyler
    Skyler and Tatum love those muffins almost as much as they love their wonderful mom!
    Donuts with Dad
    Donuts with Dad - dads, grandfathers, uncles, big brothers, or any special men are invited to join us for donuts, juice, coffee, and morning chatter! The more the merrier! Look for the date of this fun event on our school calendar. It usually coincides with our Fall Book Fair. We meet in the MPR around 7:15am. 

    Donuts Eric and Adrian
    Adrian and his dad, Eric, enjoying a donut together. 


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