- Wilson K-8 School
- Elementary Art Blog
Hitt, Angela
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Welcome to Art for the 2023-2024 School Year!!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 5/16/2023 2:00:00 PMHello!
I am so excited to work with my all my artists! I hope that you found ways to stay creative this summer!
Elementary Art at Wilson School
As we begin the school year there is a lot to be excited about! We are fortunate to continue our art program, thanks to the continued support from the parents and caregivers who make this possible!
One of our primary goals in the art program at Richard B. Wilson K-8 School, is to help students discover the many ways art impacts our lives on a daily basis and to help the students realize their own unique artistic abilities. As we move towards achieving our goals, students will experience lessons that incorporate art production, art history, and aesthetics. Our lessons will enhance problem solving skills; allowing students to explore and experiment as they learn. Students will be involved in projects that are designed to teach the basic elements and principles of design as well as provide opportunities to learn about artists from a variety of different cultures. We will explore a wide range of techniques and materials including: paint, pastels, fibers, printmaking, ceramics, drawing, and sculpture.
I would like to extend an open invitation to anyone interested in visiting the art room to see what the students are working on. The students would love to show you their projects! If you would like to help out in the art room, parent volunteers are always welcome! If you would like to volunteer, or have any questions please call me at 520-696-5836 or email me at ahitt@amphi.com.
Watch the school calendar for our upcoming art shows, including the district spring art show and the Wilson Fine Arts Festival in April. We will also have other displays throughout the year.
I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year!
Angela Hitt
Please save the following items for our creative adventures:
-glue sticks (lots, please!)
-large gallon sized zip-lock bags
-#2 pencils, black sharpie markers
-baby wipes
-kleenex (for use with chalk pastel)
-hand sanitizer
-paper plates
-Astrobright paper
-Sharpies (fine and regular)
Mrs. Hitt
Hello, Art Students!!!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 3/21/2020I hope that everyone is well. It's been a week! I've been researching the best way to teach from home. It seems that teachers will be providing online resources but due to everyone having varying access to technology it may look different for each of us. I want to be a support to you and your family. I will be using Google Classroom as one resource. I will post projects and videos that can be done at home. Materials will include what can be found around the house and I will also give variations to provide more options. These projects are to promote continuity in their days and hopefully allow them a creative outlet. Additionally, using Google Classroom allows us to connect virtually which I hope promotes some solidarity among us. I am a mom of middle school and elementary children. I believe my children can benefit from keeping up with their academics and having routine in their days. I will also be including some academic resources in the online classrooms and on this page. This will help me keep myself organized and I feel it's important to share valuable resources. If you find amazing online resources, please email me and I will add them. ahitt@amphi.com
I have not uploaded much to the Google Classrooms, yet. I am working on it. Here is what I know so far on how to access them from home.
It appears that you need to log in to Google using your child's amphi account. Personally, I can't remember my children's student numbers for the life of me. However, I have the EZ School Pay app for lunches on my phone and the numbers are in there with their accounts, that's how I find them when I forget. This is how you enter their accounts in google: for email use their student number followed by @student.amphi.com. The password should be their first name with the first letter capitalized. Example if my daughter was named Ava and her student number was 111111 it would look like this: 111111@student.amphi.com Password: Ava. Then go to the 9 little dots in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Click on them. Scroll down to "more from google". Scroll down to "all products" and select "google classroom".
Next click on the + sign in the upper right hand corner. A join screen will come up. If your child is in grades K-2 type in x52uk5o. If your child is in grades 3-5 type in y6eimln. After clicking "join" you should be part of the class. Let me know if you have any challenges. I added my own children as a test and this is what worked for me. As I become better at this I hope to create grade level classes.
The bottom tab on the left side of this website is called "Art Websites", I will be updating that with resources as I find them. Remember all of this is meant to be fun, creative, and enriching! Be well, I miss you all!
Hooray, the new year of Art Club starts in September!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 8/25/2019 6:00:00 AM -
Welcome to Elementary Art!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 8/20/2019We are off to a great school year already in art! Students have been busy creating each day! Kindergarteners and first graders are learning about mosaics and creating their own. Second graders have been learning how to draw their names using bubble letters. To add interest they are incorporating zentangle designs and adding color to their letters. Third graders are taking bubble letters a step further and creating rotational symmetry with their names. Fourth and fifth graders are finishing up their amazing graffiti art names. They have shown so much creativity in their style and color choices! We are busy getting them up around campus to share with everyone!
The link for fourth and fifth graders to sign up for art club will be available soon in the PTO newsletter and on this page as well! It will begin in September!
Follow the elementray art room on Instagram! Search mrs hitts artroom (no spaces, no characters, or capital letters).
Summer Fun for Art Club!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 8/17/2019This summer our art club students had the opportunity to work with accomplished muralist, Ignacio Garcia! We partnered with the Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance to paint murals inside of their new arts and maker space, Catalyst, located inside of the Tucson Mall. Ignacio gave students tips on mixing paints and on mural techniques. The students had such a great time and we are so thankful to have had this opportunity! The space will open in the fall, be sure to check out the work of the art club students!
Welcome, Mr. Cardona!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 3/14/2019This semester we are fortunate enough to have Mr. Cardona join us in the art room! He is currently attending the U of A and completing his student teaching with Mrs. Teran and I. The students have really been enjoying getting to know and work with Mr. Cardona. He is sharing his extensive knowledge in ceramics with us as well! After spring break he will be implementing some new lessons that we are all very excited about! Expect to see lego homes that incorporate arcitecture and STEM elements, monster creations, and more!
Art Room Updates!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 10/16/2018K-5 students have been very busy in the art room! Recently artists had the opportunity to display their artwork at the Town of Oro Valley board meeting. All K-5 students have been brainstorming, sketching, planning, and helping construct our mural! Mrs. Teran has a mural planning committee that meets at lunch to plan out the next phases of the mural. Mrs. Hitt's art club has been prepping the wood for painting. We are so excited to see the finished product! Follow us on Instagram to see updates!
Have you seen those cool ideas on Pinterest about decorating school restrooms with positive messages? Elementary art club has decided to bring this to Wilson! We are finishing up the planning phase and will soon begin this project in both the elementary and middle school restrooms.
As always, we LOVE volunteers in the art room! Please let us know if you are interested!
Art Club 2018-2019
Posted by Angela Hitt on 8/23/2018Art club will be offered to 4th and 5th grade students this year. The focus will be on community art. We will learn how art can brighten and inspire a community. Students will learn mural making techniques. We will learn how to plan for and construct art on a large scale. They will have the opportunity to work on a school mural that students will be able to enjoy for many years along with several other projects! Club size will be limited to 15 students. If more than 15 show interest a lottery system will be used to select participants. Please turn in your slip to the art room by August 31st. Parents will be emailed to verify their child’s participation. We will meet on Thursdays 2:20-3:20 in the art room beginning September 6th. A club fee of $20/child will be collected to cover materials. Please bring this on September 6th. Checks can be made out to Wilson K-8, make sure to include your child’s school identification number in the memo portion of the check. Students will need to be picked up promptly at 3:20, unless they will be going to PAL. I will walk students to the parent pick up area at 3:20. If you have any questions please contact me at ahitt@amphi.com. I look forward to working with your child!
Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!
Posted by Angela Hitt on 8/2/2018Elementary Art with Mrs. Hitt and Mrs. Teran at Wilson School
As we begin the 2018-19 school year there is much to be grateful for and excited about! We are so fortunate to be able to continue our art classes thanks to all of the caring parents who have made this possible by continuing to support our programs and public education. We are super excited to begin the year with Mrs. Hitt who will be teaching grades K-2, and Mrs. Teran who will be teaching grades 3-5.
The main goal of the art program at Richard B. Wilson K-8 school is for students to discover the many ways art touches our lives every day and for them to realize their own unique artistic abilities. As we move towards achieving this goal, students will experience lessons that incorporate art production, art history and aesthetics. Our lessons will also help foster problem solving skills and allow students to explore and experiment as they learn. Students will be involved in projects that are designed to teach the basic elements and principles of design as well as provide opportunities to learn about artists from different cultures and contexts. We will explore a variety of techniques and materials including: paint, pastels, printmaking, ceramics, drawing, sculpture etc.
We would like to extend an open invitation to anyone interested in visiting the art room. The students would love to show you what they are working on. Parent volunteers are always welcome! If you have any questions or concerns please call us at 696-5836 or email us at ahitt@amphi.com or bteran@amphi.com.
Keep an eye open for our spring art show and the Fine Arts Festival in April. We will also have other displays throughout the year. We could also use a few volunteers to help with the Fine Arts Festival, if this is something you would be interested in please let me know via e-mail at bteran@amphi.com or ahitt@amphi.com.
Thank you in advance for the privilege of working with your students. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive year.
Angela Hitt and Beverly Teran
Please save the following items for our creative adventures:
-Glue sticks , and then more Glue Sticks!! (We use a ton!)
-small pieces of scrap wood (we need a lot of this; if you have a source I would be so excited!)
-large zip-lock bags
-pencils, black sharpie markers
-baby wipes
-paper plates
-brightly colored copy paper bond paper
Fine Arts Festival
Posted by Angela Hitt on 5/15/2018We had a great time celebrating all the artists at our school! They’ve worked so hard all year, it was nice to take some time to admire their work.