- Amphitheater Public Schools
- Mathematics
- Middle School
Middle School Curriculum
enVisionmath 2.0– Pearson’s enVision 2.0 is a comprehensive math program for grades 6-8. enVision supports coherent, focused, and rigorous mathematics in the middle school. enVision provides built-in interventions, customizable content to deepen understanding and improve achievement. In addition, enVision provides opportunities for blended-learning, online assessments, and project-based learning experiences.
Please visit the enVisionmath 2.0 website to learn more about this program.
This year we are very excited to offer ALEKS, an internet-based mathematics program, as part of our blended learning opportunity, to our students in grades 6-12.
In order to assist you in accessing your child’s digital curriculum for tutorials, games, interactive e-texts, and more, please visit the Accessing Technology at Home page.