- Wilson K-8 School
- About the Teacher
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Vanessa Hicks
Welcome to Mrs. Hicks' 3rd Grade Class!

Who is Mrs. Hicks?
My name is Vanessa Hicks. I am a third grade teacher here at Wilson. I am a Tucson native, sort of; I was born in Phoenix. I am married and have four amazing children. Our oldest three children are also Wilson Wranglers. Aiden is sin 7th grade, Jeremiah is in 4th, Rowen is in 1st, and my youngest is Scarlett, she is 4 and joing us next year. As a family we love spending time together either playing outside, swimming, watching the Wildcats or Ohio State play football/ basketball, going to Chick-fil-a or the movies! You'll notice over the course of the year that there are a few things that I love. Some of these include Starbucks, hot pink, running, dark chocolate, Dr. Seuss, and Disney. I believe that this is going to be a wonderful year and I look forward to getting to know each one of you and all the things that you like too!
Core Beliefs:
I believe that every child can learn, I am simply a tool to be used in transferring the knowledge that each child needs to know. The children must choose to take what is taught and learn it. I also believe that I have the power to move a child to want to learn and to have fun while doing so.
Prior Experience:
Sunnyside School District- 5th grade
Flowing Wells School District- 5th grade
Amphi School District- 3rd and 5th grade
University of Arizona, B.A. Elementary Education
Grand Canyon University, M. Ed Administrative and Organizational Leadership