• Share your thoughts and ideas with your State and U.S. Lawmakers

    The Arizona Legislature meets annually and makes decisions on education bills that have a major impact on the state’s educational system and your neighborhood school. State lawmakers are also responsible for creating a state budget.

    A majority of Amphitheater Public School's funding comes from the state of Arizona.

    The school district also receives funding from the federal government for programs such as:

    • Title I (Federal funding for schools/districts with a high percentage of low-income families.)
    • Special Education (Serving students with disabilities.)
    • English as a Second Language (Serving English language learners.)

    It is important for lawmakers to hear from the people they represent regarding:

    • School funding
    • Educational priorities
    • Education bills

    Contact your lawmakers 

    To find out who your State and U.S. Legislators are: https://www.azleg.gov/findmylegislator/

    Contact Information for Legislators:  https://www.azleg.gov/memberroster/

    To contact the Governor’s office: https://azgovernor.gov/office-arizona-governor/form/voice-an-opinion

    To show your support or opposition of a bill directly online, use the “Request to Speak” system: https://apps.azleg.gov/Account/SignOn    


    Stay Informed:

    The following organizations have advocacy toolkits available for you to take action. You can also subscribe to newsletters from these organizations to receive up-to-date legislative updates and alerts.

    Arizona School Boards Association

    Civic Engagement Beyond Voting