- Amphitheater Public Schools
- Overview
Interscholastic Activities
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Welcome to Interscholastics
Amphitheater Interscholastic Participants are known for their positive determination, hard work, and competitiveness. Over the years, Amphitheater Public Schools has developed one of the state's finest interscholastic activity programs and traditions. Many of our teams have been recognized at the local, state and national level for their outstanding interscholastic achievements.
Interscholastic activities play an integral part of a student's overall educational experience. The Amphitheater Public School District has taken great pride in producing a quality educational experience and a ... "Tradition of Excellence." In building upon this tradition the District supports continuing professional development through coaching education.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Amphitheater Public School's Interscholastic Program is to provide an opportunity for all students to develop and use interscholastic participation in an environment that provides meaningful positive competition, enhances physical and mental well being and teaches those values that are found within the Six Pillars of Character...TRUSTWORTHINESS
Our philosophy is to encourage a high level of excellence through the emotional, physical, and intellectual development of each student. The Amphitheater Public School District shall establish a comprehensive interscholastic program of student activities. Student participation in a variety of activities should be encouraged.Beliefs
We believe that:
- Interscholastic participation encourages a healthy lifestyle by enhancing the physical and mental well-being of a student.
- Interscholastic participation is an integral part of our educational program.
- Interscholastic programs must teach positive values.
- Life-long learning is an important component of interscholastics.
- Participation is important.
- Interscholastic programs provide opportunities for all students.
- Interscholastic competition provides students an appropriate place to develop and use their skill in a structured environment.
- Meaningful positive competition is healthy.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us. Office Phone: (520) 696-5191
Armando Soto, Director of Interscholastic Activities
David Martinez, District Equipment Manager