• Meet and Confer

    The meet-and-confer process is outlined in Governing Board Policy HD.   The Policy identifies two parts to the meet-and-confer process: (1) policy and (2) compensation.  The policy portion of meet-and-confer begins in October and concludes in January.  The compensation portion of meet-and-confer begins in January and concludes in March. 

    The Governing Board recognizes the Amphitheater Education Association (AEA) to represent the interests of all employees, except administrators, during the meet-and-confer process.  Each year, AEA appoints a team of employees (the “AEA team”) to meet with a team of District administrators who are appointed by the Superintendent (the “District team”).  Each team also includes two additional individuals who are designated to facilitate the meet-and-confer meetings.

    Each year, notes from the Meet and Confer meetings will appear on this page.

Meet and Confer Updates

  • November 18, 2024
    The Meet and Confer Certificated committee met and finished policies specific to their group and have approved recommendations for policies that will be presented to employees for consideration prior to being presented to the Governing Board on December 10, 2024. This concludes all the policy work for both committees. The teams will meet again in January to begin their work on compensation. 

    November 14, 2024
    The Meet and Confer teams met as a cohesive group again this year and reviewed the IBB training. The teams also developed a common book of business, reviewed norms & standards, and began policy work. The Classified Meet and Confer committee reviewed policies specific to their group and determined their policy work was complete.  The Certificated Meet and Confer committee will meet again on November 18, 2024, from 4:30-6:30pm. 

    October 29, 2024
    The leaders of each Meet and Confer team met with the facilitators to review data, determine dates for upcoming Meet and Confer meetings, and develop committee work. 667 certified and classified employees participated in the staff survey.  The teams discussed the importance of collaboration and respect during Meet and Confer. The teams will meet again November 14, 2024, from 4:30-6:30pm. 

    February 27, 2024
    The leaders of each Meet and Confer team met on January 8, 2024, to develop the employee survey. 

    On January 29, 2024, the leaders of each Meet and Confer team met with the facilitators to review data, determine dates for upcoming Meet and Confer meetings, and develop committee work. The teams discussed the importance of collaboration and having a positive working relationship during Meet and Confer.  

    A joint letter from the District and AEA leadership went out to all employees on February 7, 2024.  This was an unprecedented moment in Amphi.  The leadership commits to collaboration to ensure students in Amphi are the top priority of every employee.

    The Meet and Confer teams met on February 1, 7, 8,15, and 26, 2024 about compensation and benefits. The teams worked collaboratively to come to an agreement on a recommendation that will be presented to employees for input prior to being presented to the Governing Board for approval. 

    Meet and Confer Pre-Compensation Survey Results
    Thank you to all employees who took the time to complete the pre-compensation meet and confer survey. It gave pertinent information allowing for discussion during our most recent meetings.

    Here is a breakdown of the survey results:

    • We received 464 responses.

    46% of the survey participants identified the current employee top priority for FY 24-25 compensation package to be an equal percentage raise for all employees. 17% of the survey participants identified maintaining/decreasing costs paid by employees for medical insurance as their top priority. 13% of the survey participants identified raising starting salaries to remain competitive and fill vacancies. The other options identified as top priorities had nominal (less than 10%) of participants selecting them as their first option. 

    The survey asked employees to rank the following spending priorities from 1 (highest priority) to 11 (lowest priority):

    • Same wage increase for all employees
    • Flat rate amount salary increase
    • Add additional fringe benefits offered to employees 
    • Maintain or decrease cost of benefits for employees
    • Further lower class sizes as appropriate
    • Add paid training/professional development days for staff
    • Analyze stipends and addendums
    • Raise starting salaries to remain competitive and fill vacancies
    • Improve instructional/classroom supplies
    • Improve facilities and grounds
    • Improve classroom technology/STEM resources

    The below table shows the results of how employees ranked those spending priorities:


    November 2, 2023
    The Meet and Confer Certificated committee met and finished policies specific to their group and have approved recommendations for policies that will be presented to employees for consideration prior to being presented to the Governing Board. This concludes all the policy work for both committees. The teams will meet again in January to begin their work on compensation. 

    October 30, 2023
    The Meet and Confer teams met as a united front again this year and completed IBB training. The teams also developed a common book of business, reviewed norms & standards, and began policy work. The Classified Meet and Confer committee finished policies specific to their group.  The Certificated Meet and Confer committee will meet again on November 2, 2023, from 4:30-6:30pm.

    October 18, 2023
    The leaders of each Meet and Confer team met with the facilitators to review data, determine dates for upcoming Meet and Confer meetings, and develop committee work. 393 certified and classified employees participated in the staff survey.  The teams discussed the importance of collaboration and respect during Meet and Confer. The teams will meet again October 30, 2023, from 4:30-6:30pm. 


    March 23, 2023
    The leaders of each Meet and Confer team met on January 13, 2023 to develop the employee survey. 

    On March 6, 2023, the leaders of each Meet and Confer team met with the facilitators to review data, determine dates for upcoming Meet and Confer meetings, and develop committee work. The teams discussed the importance of collaboration during Meet and Confer.  

    The Meet and Confer teams met on March 20 and 23 about compensation and benefits. The teams worked collaboratively to come to an agreement on a recommendation that will be presented to employees for input prior to being presented to the Governing Board for approval. 

    Meet and Confer Pre-Compensation Survey Results
    Thank you to all employees who took the time to complete the pre-compensation meet and confer survey. It gave pertinent information allowing for discussion during our most recent meeting.
    Here is a breakdown of the survey results:

    • We received 424 responses

    47% of the survey participants identified the current employee top priority for FY 23-24 compensation package to be an equal percentage raise for all employees. 23% of the survey participants identified maintaining/decreasing costs paid by employees for medical insurance as their top priority. The other options identified as top priorities had nominal (less than 10%) of participants selecting them as their first option. 


    The survey asked employees to rank the following spending priorities from 1 (highest priority) to 11 (lowest priority):

    • Same wage increase for all employees
    • Flat rate amount salary increase
    • Add additional fringe benefits offered to employees 
    • Maintain or decrease cost of benefits for employees
    • Further lower class sizes as appropriate
    • Add paid training/professional development days for staff
    • Analyze stipends and addendums
    • Raise starting salaries to remain competitive and fill vacancies
    • Improve instructional/classroom supplies
    • Improve facilities and grounds
    • improve classroom technology/STEM resources

    The below table shows the results of how employees ranked those spending priorities:



    November 21, 2022

    The Meet and Confer Classified committee met and finished policies specific to their group and have approved recommendations for policies that will be presented to employees for consideration prior to being presented to the Governing Board. This concludes all of the policy work for both committees. The teams will meet again in January to begin their work on compensation. 


    November 14, 2022

    The Meet and Confer teams met in their separate certified and classified committees to continue policy work. The certified committee finished policies specific to their group and have approved recommendations for policies that will be presented to employees for consideration prior to being presented to the Governing Board. The classified team discussed interests and options surrounding classified policies. The classified team will meet on November 21, 2022 to complete their work. 


    November 7, 2022

    The Meet and Confer teams met as a united front for the first time and completed IBB training. The teams also developed a common book of business, reviewed norms & standards, and began policy work. The Meet and Confer teams will meet again on November 14, 2022 from 4:30-6:30pm. 


    October 26, 2022

    The leaders of each Meet and Confer team met with the facilitators to review data, determine dates for upcoming Meet and Confer meetings, and develop committee work. The teams discussed the importance of collaboration during Meet and Confer. The teams will meet again November 7, 2022 from 4:30-6:30pm. 


    April 25, 2022

    Statement from the Joint Meet and Confer Committee:

    Thank you to all employees who took the time to complete the pre-compensation meet and confer survey. It gave pertinent information allowing for discussion during our most recent meeting.
    Here is a breakdown of the survey results:

    • We received 634 responses
    • 632 employees answered the question about their employment classification.

    This is who took the survey:  407 (64.5%) professional/certified,  190 (30%) support staff/classified,  22 (3.5 %)  administrator and 13 (2%) preferred not to answer. 

    • 634 employees provided information about their years of employment with the District, which is broken down as follows:

    155 (24.5%) 0-3 years, 136 (21.5%) 4-7 years, 83 (13%) 8-11 years, 60 (9.5%) 12-15 years, 193 (30.5%) and 7 (1%) prefer not to answer. 

    • There were 388 comments with a wide range of statements focused on salaries, staffing and working conditions. 

    The survey asked employees to rank the following spending priorities from 1 (highest priority) to 8 (lowest priority):

    • Same wage increase for all employees
    • Analyze salaries and consider differentiating raises
    • Keep type of fringe benefits offered to employees the same
    • Maintain or decrease cost of benefits for employees
    • Financial support for intervention and support services in schools
    • Further lower class sizes as appropriate
    • Add paid training/professional development days for staff
    • Analyze stipends and addendums

    The below table shows the results of how employees ranked those spending priorities:

    April 19, 2022

    The Meet and Confer teams met  concerning a compensation package for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. The teams created a partial recommendation for compensation. The Meet and Confer teams will meet again in May 2022 to continue their work regarding compensation. 

    January 20, 2022

    The Meet and Confer certified and classified teams met on January 20, 2022 to complete policy work. The recommendations will be presented to employees for input before being presented to the Governing Board for consideration. The teams will meet in late January to begin compensation matters. 

    January 10, 2022

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on 1/10/22 and determined mutual interests and developed options consistent with the meet and confer process. The teams will meet again on January 19, 2022. 

    December 14th, 2021

    Meet and Confer was cancelled on this date. 

    November 23, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on 11/23/21 and determined mutual interests and developed options consistent with the meet and confer process. The teams will meet again on December 14, 2021. 

    November 22, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on 11/22/21 and reviewed the work from their previous meeting. The teams were able to come to a concensus on some interests and will continue to discuss the remaining interests. The teams will meet again on November 23, 2021. 

    November 8, 2021

    Thank you to all employees who participated in the Meet and Confer survey. Your input was appreciated and has been reviewed. 

    The Meet and Confer teams held their first meeting on 11/8/21 where they began with introductions, norms & standards, reviewed the IBB Process and began to develop the book of business. As part of the Meet and Confer process, it was agreed that further research would be conducted in some areas and brought back to the next meeting. The teams will meet again November 22, 2021. 

    October 27, 2021

    The joint Meet and Confer teams will attend interest based bargaining training through the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS).  The training is scheduled for October 28, 2021 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Library at the Professional Development and Learning Center, 701 W. Wetmore Road, Tucson, AZ 85705.  The FMCS trainer and one or more joint team members will attend via Zoom.

    March 31, 2021, Update from District Administration:

    District Administration will recommend that the Governing Board approve an increase to base wages for all employees for fiscal year 2021-2022. This recommendation will be considered by the Governing Board on April 13, 2021. The recommendation will be in addition to the 3 percent retention stipend approved by the Board on March 23, 2021.

    March 30, 2021

    Policy HD requires, to the extent possible, that the Meet and Confer teams conclude their work on a compensation package by the end of March. The teams worked late into the evening of March 30, 2021 in an effort to meet the date to inform the employees of specific salary information. The teams recognize the importance for employees to make an informed decision when contracts are issued. The teams will be notifying the Governing Board that they were unable to come to a concensus on a compensation package. There will be no joint recommendation presented at the Board meeting on April 13, 2021. 

    March 22, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 22, 2021 where they identified mutual interests and brainstormed options in regards to compensation. The teams will meet again on March 30, 2021. 

    March 1, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 1, 2021 to review employee survey data and began discussions regarding how the new and unencumbered M&O funds that may be received from the State of Arizona should be spent. The Arizona State Legislature has not determined the current year's budget, but the teams are watching the process closely. The teams will meet again on March 22, 2021. 

    January 28, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on January 28, 2021 to begin compensation matters. The teams will meet again on March 1, 2021 from 4:30-6:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    January 19, 2021

    The Meet and Confer certified and classified teams met on January 19, 2021 to complete policy work. We are circulating signature pages for the policy recommendations between team members. These recommendations will be presented to employees for input before being presented to the Governing Board for consideration. The teams will meet on January 28, 2021 to begin compensation matters. 

    January 13, 2021

    The Meet and Confer Certified Team met on January 13, 2021 and finished policies specific to the certfied group. We have approved a recommendation for a policy that will be presented to employees for consideration before our presentation to the board. The teams will now convene as a whole team to complete our policy work. 

    January 7, 2021

    The Certified Meet and Confer committee met on January 7, 2021 to continue their work on policies specific to certificated and professional personnel.  The certified committee finished creating straw designs.  After excellent collaboration and team work the teams closed the evening.  The committee will meet again on Wednesday, January 13th to finish their work.

    November 18, 2020

    The Certified Meet and Confer committee met on November 18, 2020 to continue their work on policies specific to certificated and professional personnel. The certified committee finished options and created straw designs. After excellent collaboration and teamwork, the teams closed for the evening. The committees will meet again in January to finish their work. 

    November , 2020

    After the last meeting, the Meet and Confer teams divided into their Meet and Confer committees.  The Certified Meet and Confer committee met on 11/5 and 11/9 to continue their work on policies specific to certificated and professional personnel.   These policies were determined by the entire Meet and Confer team as part of the book of business.  The certified committee took the first policy, reviewed it as a group, and then created mutual interests, shared story, and began options. The committee will meet again on November 18, 2020 at 4:30.

    October 29, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on October 30, 2020 and began to develop the book of business for the policy section using employee feedback from the survey. Prior to this meeting, Amphitheater Education Association (AEA) and  the District Team (DT) both had full access to survey results and time to review input from employees in order to prepare for this meeting. Consistent with the IBB process, teams spent the meeting identifying issues to be discussed and aligning to existing policies. The teams will meet again on November 2, 2020. 

    April 6, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on April 3, 2020 and April 6, 2020, reached a consensus regarding Compensation, and signed the joint recommendation. Please look for the survey 4/7/2020 for employee feedback. The recommendation will go to the Governing Board on April 14, 2020 at 6pm.  

    March 23, 2020

    The scheduled Meet and Confer meeting has been postponed until a later date. 

    March 11, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 11, 2020 and continued to develop straw designs. The teams eliminated straw designs that did not meet mutual interests. The teams will meet again March 23, 2020 at 3:45 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

     March 9, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 9, 2020 and continued to develop straw designs. The teams eliminated straw designs that did not meet our mutual interests. The teams will meet again on March 11th at 4:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore to continue our work. 

    March 4, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 4, 2020 and reviewed information on projected costs to line up with options. The teams used the information to begin to create straw designs. The teams will meet again on March 9, 2020 at 4:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    March 3, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on March 3, 2020 regarding compensation.  Teams reviewed interests and developed mutal interests based on employee input and survey data.  The teams made a list of options. The teams will meet again on March 4, 2020 at 4:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    February 5, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on February 5, 2020 and began IBB for compensation. The teams completed story, developed interests, and began to assess common interests. Prior to meeting on 3/4/20, the teams will be gathering information to complete compensation package. The teams will meet again on March 3, 2020 at 4:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    February 4, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on February 4, 2020 and signed the joint recommendation for policy. The teams identified issues, shared employee input, and began discussion on compensation and benefits. The teams will meet again on February 5, 2020 from 4:30-6:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    January 22, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on January 22, 2020 and worked diligently on policy. The teams will meet again on February 4, 2020 at 4:30 in the LPDC at Wetmore. 

    January 21, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on January 21, 2020 and continued IBB steps; cognoscente of the fact that policy HD has a goal of concluding policy work by the end of January.  The teams worked collaboratively and efficiently to find solutions to meet mutual interests.

     January 13, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on January 13, 2020 and continued to go through the steps of the IBB Process regarding policy. The issue identified came from employee input, and the teams developed mutual interests and options to address the issue. The teams will meet again on January 21, 2020, 4:30-6:30pm at the LPDC at Wetmore. 

     January 9, 2020

    The Meet and Confer Teams met on January 9, 2020. They reviewed the IBB process, developed a Program of Work based on employee input, including feedback provided by the joint survey. The teams began work on policies addressing employee work conditions. The teams will meet again on January 13, 2020, 4:30-6:30pm at the LPDC at Wetmore. 

     June 24, 2019

    The Meet and Confer Teams met for four hours today and reached a consensus regarding the disbursement of remaining funding from the previous recommendations (Review and Approval of the Joint Recommendation of the Meet and Confer Teams for Compensation for 2019-2020 Fiscal Year for Certificated, Classified, Classified Exempt, Professional/Non-Teaching, Administrative, and Administrative Exempt Employee Groups) approved by the Governing Board on 6/11/19. 

    The group was guided by their mutual interests of:
    1. Fiscal responsibility
    2. Value and recognize all employees for their work
    3. Attracting, hiring, and retaining quality staff
    4. Having classrooms filled with appropriately certified teachers to benefit students
    5. Retention of veteran employees through improved compensation

    Thank you for your patience and understanding as the teams worked through this complicated process. The joint recommendation will go to the Governing Board on July 9, 2019 at 6:00pm.