• Class Texts: *Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience Common Core Edition

    *Online Text (see Mrs. Scheel’s Webpage), but some physical textbooks are available (see teacher).

    • The Crucible 
    • Excerpts from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    • The Great Gatsby
    • A Raisin in the Sun
    • Bless Me, Ultima

    Course Content

    English 11 is a chronological survey of American literature beginning with Native American origin myths and continuing through 20th century contemporary literature. We will address the cultural and philosophical developments in America through the lens of literature. The literature we read will be the vehicle through which we meet the ELA CCSS (AZ State Standards).  This class also emphasizes critical thinking level questions, informational texts and close reading skills.  Additionally, students will produce academic writing that includes more sophisticated rhetorical style and MLA-format. 

    Procedures and Norms

    The “Big Three” --

    1. Use respectful language.
    2. Drinks and snack food are permitted UNLESS they are distracting or disruptive.
      1. Behaviors that I consider impolite:
        1. Ignoring or only half-listening to a person who is talking to you. This includes me and your peers. Prioritize the people in the room above anything and anyone your phone can connect you to. Sometimes that means you shouldn’t use your phone even when everyone has finished the day’s work.
        2. Filming or photographing someone without his/her permission. That includes me and your peers… ask permission.
        3. Pretending to do one thing on your phone while secretly doing something else.
        4. * PLEASE have the character and discipline to use ALL technology appropriately.
    4. Practice academic integrity; don’t cheat!
      1. Work that is copied will receive a zero, so your credit for the course may be in jeopardy as a result.
    5. “Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself.” ~Thomas Jefferson
    6. Bell work should always be answered using three or more complete sentences unless otherwise specified. You should also write in your planner in the first few minutes of class.
    7. Late Work Passes:  You will receive 2 No Questions Asked (NQA) late “passes” per semester. These are not available for group presentations.  
    8. Conference Period:  I will be available during weekly conferences times for a variety of reasons.  You may make up tests, ask for help on classwork, work on projects or just hang out.  My room is always open to you! This is a perfect time to confer with me regarding planned absences for sports and StuGo.
    9. Make-up work is your responsibility!  Ask a classmate, check the online class calendar, and THEN talk to me during before/after school or during Conf. Period. It’s difficult for me to adequately discuss make-up work during class.
    10. Communication:  I appreciate it when students talk with me &/or email me regarding questions or concerns.  I’m here to helpJ.   Good communication requires practice, so when you email me, use proper grammar and spelling, please.  
    11. Pass Use: If you need to use the bathroom or get a drink, please take the lanyard pass. I would also appreciate a low-key signal to me that you’re heading out.   You will find the pass hanging over the pencil sharpener.  This pass is only good for the hallway outside my room; if you need to go elsewhere, you’ll need to get a written pass.   Excessive (more than 1x/week) use of the pass will probably result in loss of its use.
    12. Extra Credit: I do not offer it as replacement credit.  Sometimes I will have bonus sections on assignments, though.  It’s best to just do the work assignedJ.

    Behavior and Consequences

    As juniors, you are expected to be prepared for class and participate, positively, in the classroom so that EVERYONE can learn and EVERYONE feels safe. 

    You are a valued member of the IRHS community and I’m looking forward to working with you this year.  If you have frustrations or concerns, I’m more than happy to talk with you, but not in front of the entire class. 

    The following is a list of both positive and negative consequences for classroom behavior. However, these will vary depending upon the situation:

    • Positive                                    
      • Public Praise               
      • Positive Call Home
      • Use of Work as Student Model
    • Negative
      • Private Student/teacher discussion
      • Negative Call Home
      • Referral

    Content Caveat:

    Throughout the course of the year, our literature will spark dialogue about student/family opinions, issues of morality, religion and relationships.  I have prepared specific introductory lessons and will take care with conversations with the class.  If at any time you and/or your parents are uncomfortable with these topics, you may “opt out” of the assignment, writing or literature.  An alternative assignment and assessment will be created by the student and teacher.  Please visit with me anytime!

    Attendance & Make-Up Work:  Attendance is crucial for your success in class.  You must pass all four years of English to graduate.  Please do not allow attendance to be the reason you lose credit for this course.  If you have an excused absence, you have the number of days absent to make up your work.  Assignments are posted on my webpage “CALENDAR.”  Make up work should be turned in to me.  In the event of extended absence, see me regarding deadlines.

    Quizzes/Exams:  If you are absent for a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up for the conference period during the week of your return. 

    It is my class room policy that final exams are administered on the published dates prescribed by the district.  If you cannot attend the final exam, the score will be a zero until the you make an appointment (AFTER assigned finals week) to complete the exam.


    Grades will be updated weekly and posted on Tyler. If you don’t have a home computer, please use the computers in the library to check your grades.

    The Grading Scale:

    A          90 – 100%

    B          80 – 89%

    C          70 – 79%               

    D          60 – 69%           

    F          0 – 59%

    *Rounding only occurs atthe End of the Semester

    Formal Writing Assignments

    Unless otherwise specified, essays should be…

    • 2 – 4 pages
    • Typed in Times New Roman and 12 pt font
    • Formatted according to MLA
    • Submitted to Turnitin.com by the required date

    Required Supplies & Materials

    • A 1-inch three ring binder (devoted just to English) with college ruled loose leaf paper
    • Five tabulated dividers: SAT Vocabulary, Literature, Informational Text, Close Reading, Writing
    • Composition Book (non-spiral)
    • Post-it Notes
    • Pens/pencils
    • Highlighter
    • Because you’ll be learning and studying SAT Vocabulary in class, you’ll need to use QUIZLET.com or create your own flashcards.