
  • Imagine Preschool is more than childcare. Here, your child engages with age-appropriate content in the form of whole group and small group lessons. Teachers, assistants, and high school interns work to create authentic learning experiences throughout the day. Research shows that children make most connections through play and engaging with others. This is often achieved with thematic units, where each setting in the room connects. For example, the reading center may be filled with books about firefighters and nurses, as students learn about community helpers. Daily stories and crafts will connect to the same theme. Blending together formal learning and authentic experiences, each student has a quality preschool education.

    Literacy: With a focus on Zoophonics and the "Letter of the Day" approach, students receive individualized literacy instruction. Students also enjoy a "Book of Week" that reinforces vocabulary and reading strategies.

    Math: Using classroom games and everyday activities, children learn number recognition, counting, and basic adding and subtracting. 

    Social-Emotional: Using the Kimochis curriculum, students learn how to understand and manage their emotions. Adorable characters guide students in empathy, conflict management, expressing feelings, and so many other life skills.