• Class Expectations and Procedures

    Classroom Rules:  Click here for assignments.

    • Respect and follow teacher's instructions promptly
    • Respect others, their belongings, and their feelings
    • Respect classroom materials
    • Turn in completed work on-time
    • Be on-time to class and ready to learn everyday
    • Ask questions when something is unclear
    • Take Responsibility-Think before you speak or act to keep from hurting others and yourself
    • BE A STAR!

    Our Classroom Procedures:

    • Morning Routines: Students are to enter the classroom quietly, unpack their book bags, make their lunch choice, and get busy on their morning work. Students who are late to school must report to the office for a pass. Students are to get at least 3 pencils sharpened during this time too.
    • Class Work: Many of our “in class” assignments require group and/or independent work. Students are responsible for completing all assignments. TEAMWORK is a very important part of our classroom as well. Every assignment should be turned in with the student’s name and date on it. Students who choose not to complete and turn in assignments will receive a zero. Students who are absent may make up missed work if a note is given to excuse the absence. When students are absent, they should make up any work within the week of their return so they do not forget the material.
    • Bathroom Breaks: We will have 2 main bathroom breaks: one after related arts and one before/after lunch. Students should go to the bathroom and/or get water at these times. Otherwise, students are to ask permission to use the restroom and may do so except during instruction time or a test. If a student has a medical condition that requires frequent visits to the bathroom, please give the teacher a note.
    • Homework: Students will receive a newsletter each Monday, and it will be their responsibility to write down the homework assignments daily. Homework assignment details are also available via text and on our daily homework forecast.
      • Please refer to your parent brochure for additional explanation of expectations and procedures.

    Discipline: I will be using a classroom economy to encourage positive actions and behaviors. Students will earn money for positive achievements (100 percent on tests, participation, etc.) and lose money for negative actions (missing assignment, poor behavior choices, etc.). The class will also be able to earn money as a whole class in the form of a weekly "salary." These "Yewell's Jewels" can then be used to purchase items from the monthly classroom store. This is where parents come in--we need donations of games, prizes, fun school supplies, books, ice cream tickets, movie passes, etc. for our store. Thank you for making this possible for our students! It should be a positive, exciting way to reward students while teaching them banking and budgeting!


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