• AzEIP Birth to Three Transitions for Preschool

    • If You are an AzEIP Service Coordinator, please call 520-696-6860 or email AMPHICHILDFIND@amphi.com for information on transition meeting scheduling.
    • If You are a Parent Who Has Been Sent to this Site by an AzEIP Service Coordinator, Please complete the form below.

Parents, Please Only Fill Out the Below Form When Requested

  • This form is to be completed before a transition meeting. After completing this, please email our preschool coordinator assistant with the completed packet. In the Subject Line for the email, please indicate it with the following: Transition Inquiry from Website for (CHILD INITIALS HERE).

    For questions about this form, please call our preschool coordinator assistant listed below. 


    (520) 696-6860 

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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.