• New Families Start Here

    Within school boundaries:

    24-25 School Year: For parents new to Amphitheater (grades K-12) and who live within the school boundaries, please click here to begin your child’s registration.

    25-26: Coming soon!

    Outside of school boundaries:

    The online Open Enrollment application will open for all schools soon. The application is required for families who wish to apply for a school that is not their home school.

    Currently, the online open enrollment application is available only for Innovation Academy. Note that Innovation Academy will review applications and will contact you to let you know the status of your application.

    Click on the appropriate link below for the Innovation Academy Open Enrollment online application.

    Innovation Academy Only

    24-25 Innovation Academy Only Open Enrollment 

    25-26 Innovation Academy Only Open Enrollment 


    Amphitheater looks forward to welcoming your students!