- Amphitheater Public Schools
- Elementary REACH Pull Out Program
Gifted Education - REACH
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- Elementary Cluster Program
- Elementary REACH Pull Out Program
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Elementary REACH Pull Out Program
The Pull Out model is designed for REACH students in 1st through 6th grades.
- A gifted education endorsed teacher pulls identified gifted students from their classrooms in order to work with gifted peers.
- First grade students receive one hour each week of gifted education instruction.
- Students in 2nd through 6th grades receive two hours each week of gifted education.
- Enriched curriculum in this model focuses on two areas: improving creative and critical thinking skills, and students learning more about themselves and others as gifted learners.
- Curriculum is specifically designed for gifted learners.
Gifted Learners have unique social emotional needs.
- The Pull Out models allows gifted specialists to focus on those needs.
- REACH teachers are advocates for their gifted learners.
- The REACH teacher can work directly with the cluster classroom teacher to meet the needs of the identified gifted learners in their classroom.
The Elementary REACH Department also offers a kindergarten enrichment program.
- This program starts at the beginning of Second Quarter.
- The goal of this program is to help identify kindergarten students that might benefit from gifted identification testing in the spring.
- The program also helps prepare students for testing.