What is REACH Humanities?
- Gifted 6th – 8th grade gifted students are enrolled in a Humanities course that serves as their Social Studies class.
Why do we use a humanities model?
- Humanities class allows students to learn with their intellectual peers.
- Students receive embedded social emotional lessons with students who have similar gifted characteristics and needs.
- Humanities provides complex project and problem based instruction that utilizes differentiated processes and products and appropriate learning environment for students in all identified areas of giftedness.
How will the curriculum be differentiated for the REACH students?
- Compacting/Extension projects
- Tiered lessons
- Greater breadth and depth of subject matter (still addressing the Arizona State Standards)
What are some other benefits of this program?
- All students in the classroom receive instruction at the appropriate level of challenge.
- Students are able to work with various groupings, dependent on their needs and the learning objectives.
- Students learn to become more self-directed.
- Students interact with their REACH teacher every day.