• Transfer Students

    Students who are new to the Amphitheater School District and have been in a gifted program in another district in Arizona or out of state must give documentation of testing and placement or test to qualify for the REACH program.

    The documentation must include:
      • District name and location
      • Name of test and testing date
      • Verbal, Quantitative, Nonverbal Scores with percentile ranking

    The documentation may be emailed, mailed, or faxed to the school/REACH office or may be requested with the records. Parents may request the gifted records be sent separately by directly contacting the other school/district. Parents may bring a copy of the gifted records.

    The documentation will be reviewed and parents will be notified as to REACH program status.

    Gifted placement in Arizona and in the Amphitheater District means that a student has scored at or above the 97th percentile on an Arizona Department of Education approved test in one or more areas: Verbal, Quantitative, Nonverbal. These tests are not achievement tests. Placement from outside Amphitheater District is not automatic.