• Eligibility & Dependent Certification


    Company Information 

    Medical, Dental, Vision, and Supplemental Life Benefit Eligibility:

    For Employees Hired/Rehired or becoming benefits eligible after July 1, 2012:

    • Certified employees holding a 75% or greater contract
    • Classified employees who work 30 or more hours per week

    For all benefit eligible employees:

    • Dependent coverage is available for Spouse and Children up to age 26 – Kairos Medical/Dental, Delta Dental or TDA Dental, VSP Vision, and Securian Life Insurance.
    • If you plan to cover a dependent please review the Dependent Eligibility and submit the necessary documentation as outlined in the “Certification of Dependent Eligibility” document.
    • A Certification of Dependent Eligibility must be completed for any dependents being added to medical, dental, vision, or life insurance.

    Effective Dates:

    • Insurance coverage begins the first of the month following active employment
    • For changes during Open Enrollment, coverage begins on July 1st
    • For birth/adoption, coverage begins on the birth/adoption date
    • For changes due to a Qualifying Event, coverage begins on the first of the month following receipt of required documentation for the event, if the change is made within 31 days of the event
    • Contact the Benefits Department for making changes due to a Qualifying Event/Life Event (marriage, divorce, birth, death, spouse’s employment change, spouse’s benefits open enrollment, etc.)

    Termination Dates:

    • Academic year employees who finish the school year, benefits conclude on June 30th
    • Last day of the month in which termination occurs
    • Last day of the month in which a dependent is no longer eligible