- Amphitheater Public Schools
- Parent Information
"Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of the little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss."
- Heȟáka Sápa (Black Elk), Oglala Lakota Sioux
Academic Tutoring Services
Is your child having difficulty in school? With homework? In general? Our office provides individual academic tutoring. Students who are referred for academic tutoring are assigned a tutor that will visit them at their school, up to 3 times a week. The tutors make contact with the referring teacher to ensure that the teacher's recommendations and concerns are addressed. Strategies that are based in Native American pedagogy may be utilized during tutoring sessions to promote academic success, unless parent requests otherwise. As a parent, you can request this service from our office. Please visit the Forms Page to complete a Student Referral Form and submit to our office.
Other Services Provided
Individual Mentoring - Mentoring strategies that are based in Native American pedagogy are used by the tutors.
Family Communication and Intervention - Staff from our office can make home visits and nurture positive dialogue to meet the needs of the student. Follow up visits are implemented to foster continuity.
Referral Services - Our staff can make referral to agencies that address food, clothing, health, housing, and legal issues.
Academic Events - Our office strives to recognize academic achievement by the student. We are also proponents of long term goal setting and will hold events to assist students and their families focusing on educational planning beyond high school. This could be college, technical school, certificate training programs and on the job training programs.
School Supplies
School supplies, including backpacks, are given to students at our September Welcome Back event. The date and location will be provided on our website calendar and social media pages. There are limited school supplies available throughout the academic year for Native students.
Afterschool Programs
The NAEP offers an afterschool program on Early Out days, unless otherwise specified. Currently, the program is for students attending Amphi Middle School, Cross Middle School, Donaldson Elementary, Holaway Elementary, Keeling Elementary, La Cima Middle School, Nash Elementary, Prince Elementary, and Walker Elementary. We are looking to expand the afterschool program to our NW schools in the future. If your child is interested in attending, please contact our office for more information. Futher information is provided on our Afterschool website.
Important Information
*** PLEASE READ ***The NAEP office receives a list of parent contact information for all the Native students enrolled within the Amphitheater School District after the registration process every year. The parent email distribution list is updated at that time and throughout the academic year, as needed.
To be ADDED: If you have a Native American student enrolled within the Amphitheater Public School District, and are not receiving the updates, please send an email to kbegay@amphi.com or contact our office to be added to the email distribution list. Please include in the Subject Line, PLEASE ADD.
To be REMOVED: If you do not wish to receive updates (regarding upcoming activities/events, scholarship opportunities, conference information, or local cultural events) please reply to kbegay@amphi.com. Indicate in the Subject Line, PLEASE REMOVE. Your contact information will then be removed from our parent email distribution list.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.Social Media:
We are excited for this year's upcoming events and activities. To be most up to date, please visit our social media websites.
Amphi Native
American Education