

Degrees and Certifications:

Rachel Gonzalez

Please let me introduce myself... I am Coach Rachel Gonzalez.  I am new to the Amphi School District and new to Ironwood Ridge HS.  I am what we call a "return to work teacher."  With this said, I retired in 2020 from PUX where I taught Physical Education and Health for 28 years.  I also coached the Girls Golf Team and Softball at Betty H Fairfax HS from 2008-2019.  I am very excited about returning to work at Ironwood Ridge HS and I look forward to getting to know you!  I do have an open-door policy and invite students and parents alike to stop by anytime during office hours.  Office hours are before and after school or by appointment. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!  Thank you and GO NOIGHTHAWKS!!!