Career & Technical Education

  • To prepare successful, 21st century citizens, the Ironwood Ridge Career and Technical Education Department, through partnerships with business, industry and the Pima County JTED, will offer premier CTE programs that encompass relevant and rigorous technical and academic content, promote student leadership, and provide a variety of work-based learning opportunities.

    Why CTE?

    In order for students to succeed, we need to prepare them for the ever-changing world of work, which means not only college readiness, but career readiness—students with access to postsecondary education and skills attainment possibilities that will prepare them to achieve in the 21st century.

    CTE offers a unique opportunity to engage students in an enormous variety of subjects, incorporating academic, creative and technical skills, with the specific goal, nowhere else represented in education, of preparing students for all of life that comes after high school.

    CTE needs to be an integral part of every student’s education so that all students graduate from high school globally competitive for work, prepared for postsecondary education, and ready for life as positive, contributing members of society in the 21st century. With CTE, students succeed.

  • CTE Logo

    Mr. Bill Lang
    CTE Department Chair
    Computer Science/Software Design

    Mr. Brad Boe
    Digital Media/Photography

    Mrs. Karen Brown
    Healthcare Foundations

    Ms. Angie Dylla
    Sports Medicine

    Ms. Jean Gowen
    Culinary Arts  

    Mr. Luke Howell
    Film/Video Production

    Mr. AJ Lepore
    Music and Audio Production

    Technical Theater

    Mr. Theo Manno

    Mrs. Erin Merendo
    Early Childhood Development

    Ms. Carmen Shugert