• Instrumental Music

    AHS   CDO   IRHS

  • Future Careers

    • Arts administrator
    • Promoter, agent, manager, or producer
    • Music director and composer
    • Music teacher
    • Broadcast and sound engineer
    • Music industry publicist or public relations manager


    Year 1: Band, Guitar or Orchestra Course
    Year 2: Band, Guitar or Orchestra Course
    Year 3: Band, Guitar or Orchestra Course
    Year 4:
    Band, Guitar or Orchestra Course


    This pathway is a minimum of 2 years.


    Instrumental Music


  • Summary                  

    Students will be prepared for immediate employment in entry-level positions in the music industry and to continue to study at 2-year or 4-year college or university.

    • Band: Beginning Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, Percussion, Wind Ensembles and Marching Band are classes that will focus on the arts of wind and percussion music within a variety of band based genres. Each class will have a varying degree of difficulty and stylistic focus, but will share performance platforms through summative concerts in front of an audience.
    • Guitar: Introduction to Guitar and Advanced Guitar. Students will learn strumming and finger-style techniques in various musical genres. The advanced course will explore advanced chord reading, soloing, and accompaniment. Students expand their repertoire and learn techniques for analyzing source material. Emphasis is on skill development and application of knowledge to new material.
    • Orchestra: Concert Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra. Educational emphasis is placed on the advancement of instrumental technique, further development of music reading and comprehension skills, independent musicianship, style, a deeper understanding of small group ensemble music, and orchestral literature. Students will study and perform literature from stylistic periods. Individual practice outside of school time is required.


  • Post Secondary Options

2 Year Degree 4 Year Degree
Music Music
Music Theory Music Theory
Audio Production Education
Audio Production
Music Therapy